
Spectral follow-up of astrometrically selected planet host candidates using Apache Point Observatory.

Anne Elisabeth Peck, Eric Nielsen, Bruce Macintosh, Robert De Rosa, Hannah Gallamore, Adam J.R.W. Smith, William Roberson, Jessica Klusmeyer

We use spectra taken with the echelle spectrograph, ARCES on the 3.5-meter telescope at Apache Point Observatory (APO) to vet candidate hosts of substellar companions, identified through astrometric accelerations. By combining Gaia and Hipparcos measurements, we have identified stars with accelerations consistent with substellar companions at intermediate separations (5-20AU). We use the ARCES data to conduct radial velocity follow-up of the accelerating stars to screen for stellar binaries masquerading as stars with substellar companions. We employ a technique to measure radial velocities that uses telluric lines for wavelength calibration, reaching relative radial velocity precision of 100 m/s. Additionally, we use calcium H and K emission and lithium absorption to extract ages from each star to identify the best targets for direct imaging follow-up. Screening our sample for stellar binaries is a key step toward increasing the number of directly imaged giant planets at intermediate separations.