
Substructure Formation in Embedded Disks with Filamentary Infall

Aleksandra Kuznetsova

The morphology of protoplanetary and protostellar disks, the natal environments of planetary systems, has been characterized based on the continuum thermal emission radiated by dust grains. Continuum substructures seen at millimeter wavelengths are readily produced by dynamical mechanisms that can sufficiently perturb the pressure gradient of the disk. In this presentation, we examine how infall from a filamentary envelope alters the disk pressure profile, including changes to the midplane temperature due to blanketing from the envelope and the dynamical effects from the impact of infalling material onto the disk. We present results from a series of hydrodynamical simulations that evolve the gas, millimeter dust, and micron-sized ISM dust, including the effects of dust feedback onto the gas during a period of infall and demonstrate the observability of resulting structures in the millimeter continuum.