
Extending the ALMA Census of Circumstellar Disks in the Upper Scorpius OB Association

John Carpenter, Taran Esplin, Kevin Luhman, Eric Mamajek, Sean Andrews

The Upper Scorpius OB Association plays a central role in establishing the evolutionary history of circumstellar disks. As the closest OB association and at an advanced age of 10 Myr, it is the benchmark region in which to establish the disk properties at the end stage of disk evolution. Recent optical and near-infrared spectroscopic campaigns, along with Gaia astrometry, have nearly tripled the number of known disks in Upper Sco. We have used ALMA to observe the dust continuum and CO J=3-2 in this sample of stars to provide the most complete census yet of the final stages of disk evolution. This poster will present the analysis of these ALMA observations.