
Studying Winds launched from Protoplanetary Disks using their forbidden emission spectra

Ahmad Nemer, Jeremy Goodman, Peter Melchior, ChangHoon Hahn, Jiaxuan Li, Andrea Banzatti

Protoplanetary disks surrounding low-mass T Tauri stars are the birthplaces of planets. Along with accretion onto the star, disk winds likely contribute to the dispersal of the disk and planet formation. Forbidden lines from low-ionisation and atomic states of common elements may present a way to study the wind dispersal mechanism. In particular a few km/s blue shift has been measured in the profiles of forbidden lines; which indicates to slow winds. We perform 1D and 3D MHD simulations of protoplanetary disks and use their results to study the transport of radiation through the plasma to predict the observed spectra. Furthermore, we use Machine Learning techniques to infer information about the system from the modeled spectra.