
First JWST-MIRI MRS resolved view of the gas-rich debris disk around HD 131835

Matthias Samland, Goran Olofsson, Nicole Pawellek, Benoit Tabone, MINDS Collaboration

Debris disks are the remnants of planet formation. For a long time debris disks have been found to be depleted in gas, however, in recent years a number of debris disks have been found to contain significant levels of CO gas. The nature of these systems is still not conclusively solved. Two current scenarios are the late production of gas by planetesimal collisions or relic gas from the protoplanetary phase.

Until recently, the study of debris disks (DDs) has mostly involved interpreting the 1D spectral energy distribution to identify warm and cold "dust-belt" components. This has changed drastically with the ability to actually spatially resolve their structure in the sub-millimeter using ALMA and detect them in scattered light imaging in visible and near-infrared wavelengths. The gas-rich debris around HD 131835 has both ALMA imaging that spatially resolves the main-belt, as well as SPHERE data that shows fine structure in the form of multiple concentric rings. We have obtained JWST-MIRI MRS integral-field data as part of the MIRI Mid-INfrared Disk Survey (MINDS, PI: Th. Henning), that for the first time allows us to explore the spatially resolved structure of this gas-rich debris disk in the mid-infrared. We present the first study of the debris disk morphology over the whole range from 7 to 28 micron and compare the disk structure to images available in the sub-millimeter and near-infrared. This spatially resolved data in the mid-infrared opens up a new window into studying the dust grain properties, the structure of the halo of particles outside of the main-belts, and could yield important insights into the system architecture as a whole. The mid-infrared may also allow us to study dust-gas interaction in this class of gas-rich debris disk objects.