
Constraining the gas distribution and planet masses in the PDS 70 disk using thermochemical models

Bayron Portilla-Revelo, I. Kamp, S. Facchini, E.F. van Dishoeck, C. Law, Ch. Rab, J. Bae, M. Benisty, K. Oberg, R. Teague, M. Keppler, M. Min, G. Muro-Arena

The PDS 70 protoplanetary disk plays an important role in the context of planet formation theories as it displays multiple elements that are key to validate them: a protoplanetary disks with a variety of substructures observed both in the continuum and in line emission, the presence of embedded planets, and at least one circumplanetary disk. This motivates the development of detailed forward models to interpret the observations. These models can then be used to estimate parameters that are important when connecting the properties of young planets and their natal disk.

In this poster, I will present our effort to construct a two-dimensional thermochemical model aimed at reproducing simultaneously different observations of PDS 70 obtained with the ALMA interferometer. The disk structure derived from the model is used to inform scaling-laws from hydrodynamical simulations to estimate the mass of the gap-carving planets. Using this method we retrieve for each planet a mass of nearly four times that of Jupiter which is in agreement with independent estimates using infrared observations.

The model is extended to three dimensions to simulate the sub-mm emission from the vicinity of the planet PDS 70 c. We constrain the dust mass of the spatially-unresolved circumplanetary disk to the range 0.07-0.7 Earth masses.

These type of models can help in the interpretation of data from current and planned facilities like JWST, VLT/CRIRES+ or ELT/METIS for which PDS 70 is an interesting target. Particularly, I will present our preliminary results on modelling the mid-infrared spectrum of water and how we can use it to gain insights on the physical structure of the very inner regions in the disk.