
Extension of HOPS Out to 500 ParSecs (eHOPS): Identification and Modeling of Protostars

Riwaj Pokhrel, S. Thomas Megeath, Robert A. Gutermuth, Elise Furlan, William J. Fischer, Samuel Federman, John J. Tobin, Amelia M. Stutz, Lee Hartmann, Mayra Osorio, Dan M. Watson, Thomas Stanke, P. Manoj, Mayank Narang, Prabhani Atnagulov, Nolan Habel, Wafa Zakri

We present the results from the eHOPS (extension of HOPS out to 500 ParSecs) survey of protostars. The survey expands upon the previously conducted HOPS (Herschel Orion Protostar Survey) in Orion and together has identified and characterized over 700 protostars within 0.5 kpc of the Sun. The catalog assembled from this survey consists of 1-850 micron SEDs obtained from various sources such as 2MASS, Spitzer, Herschel, WISE, and JCMT/SCUBA-2 data. The SEDs are first used to identify protostars, distinguishing them from background galaxies and more evolved pre-main sequence stars. The SEDs of the protostars sample the peak of the reprocessed thermal emission from the infalling envelope, enabling the robust determination of bolometric properties. The catalog encompasses a wide range of source luminosities, evolutionary phases, and environments. We compare the SEDs from the eHOPS survey to a grid of radiative transfer models to determine the total luminosities, envelope densities, and envelope masses of the protostars. A comparative study of the results from the HOPS and eHOPS surveys will be presented, such as the Protostellar Luminosity Functions (PLF) and evolutionary diagnostics such as the Bolometric Luminosity and Temperatures (BLT) diagrams. In addition, we will examine the IR variability of HOPS and eHOPS protostars with multi-epoch mid to far-IR photometry. The results from the eHOPS survey are crucial for future targeted observations such as high angular resolution observations with ALMA and the JWST.