
3D structure of the Galactic Plane out to distances beyond the Galactic Centre

Sara Rezaei Kh., Anna-Christina Eilers, Henrik Beuther, Josh Peek, Robert Benjamin, Thomas Henning

Using spectroscopic data from APOGEE DR16, including APOGEE South, and photometry from Gaia EDR3, 2MASS, and WISE, we have determined precise parallaxes to stars located at the upper end of the red giant branch, observed by APOGEE. This dataset provides parallax estimates with less than 10% uncertainty out to 10 kpc in distance and a few kiloparsecs above and below the Galactic plane. Observing at near-infrared wavelengths, this unique set of data allows mapping the Galactic disk in 3D beyond the Galactic Centre, it is, however, limited in the solar neighbourhood. Using this sample, we present a large-scale, 3D map of the dust in the Galactic plane out to 10 kpc, providing remarkable information on precise distances to giant star-forming complexes and Galactic disk and spiral arm structures of the Milky Way.