
ROGer ? Remote Observing from Greenland

Junkun Huang

Remote Observing from Greenland (ROGer) is a ground-based submillimeter polarimeter. It is designed to study the linear polarization of thermal dust emission centered at a frequency of 345 GHz, with a field of view of 4 arcmins. ROGer will be installed on the Greenland Telescope, a 12-meter radio telescope currently operating on the Thule Air Base. ROGer employs two polarization-sensitive MKID arrays, each with 157 pixels. The NEP is below 10^(-16) W/Hz^(0.5) during tests at 230 mK to simulate the radiation load. One novel strategy ROGer adopts is to remove sky noise with a Martin-Puplett Interferometer (MPI) using destructive interference. The unpolarized noise is canceled by MPI, while the polarized signal is modulated by a rotating half-wave plate. The poster presents the developments of the optical and MKID designs.