
The KEYSTONE survey of Giant Molecular Clouds

James Di Francesco, Jared Keown, Michael C.-Y. Chen, Helen Kirk, Sarah Ilana Sadavoy, Tai Withers, Rachel Friesen, Charles Figura, The KEYSTONE Collaboration

We present the latest results from the KEYSTONE (KFPA Examinations of Young STellar Object Natal Environments) survey, a large project to observe eleven Giant Molecular Clouds within 3 kpc using the K-band Focal Plane Array on the Green Bank Telescope. KEYSTONE includes the NH3 inversion transitions (1,1) to (5,5), tracing dense gas within these clouds. In addition, KEYSTONE includes H2O maser emission, tracing locations of active high-mass star formation in these clouds. Previously, these data were analyzed en masse by Keown et al. (2019; ApJ, 884, 4), assuming a single velocity component in all cases, and all the data are available for public use. Here, we summarize those results but also describe more recent work to explore multiple velocity components within this rich dataset.