
Angular Momenta in the Envelope/Disk/Outflow in IRAS 16293-2422 Source A

Yoko Oya

Disk formation process in young low-mass protostellar sources is closely related with the outflow launching via the angular momentum of the gas. To tackle with the early phase of the disk formation process, we performed ALMA observations toward IRAS 16293-2422 Source A and delineated the physical structures in the vicinity of its protostar. IRAS 16293-2422 Source A is a Class 0 multiple source. The protostars A1 and A2 involved in Source A were spatially resolved in the 1-mm and 3-mm dust continuum emission. The circummultiple structure of Source A, the circumstellar disk of the protostar A1, and the outflow are traced by different molecular lines, like as 'molecular markers'. The chemical diagnostics allows us to evaluate the angular momenta of these three structures separately.
The circummultiple structure is traced by the C17O emission, while the circumstellar disk is by the H2CS emissions. We compared their kinematic structures with simple models and evaluated the specific angular momenta of the gas. Meanwhile, the outflow structure is traced by the SO emission. We detected its rotation motion, whose direction is consistent with that of the disk/envelope system. Comparing the specific angular momenta of the outflow and the disk/envelope structures, we found that the outflow can extract the angular momentum of the gas in the circumstellar disk. These results provide us with a novel information on the formation of disk/envelope systems in this complex multiple source.

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