
ALMA-IMF: Exploring the core population, chemistry and kinematics towards 15 massive protoclusters

Nichol Cunningham, Frederique Motte, Adam Ginsburg, Roberto Galvan-Madrid, Timea Csengeri, Manuel Fernandez-Lopez, Fabien Louvet, Amy Stutz, Patricio Sanhueza

To understand the mechanism of star formation it is fundamental to investigate the morphology and kinematics of the gas in clumps and clusters. This requires probing a large homogeneous selection of protoclusters which was recently achieved within the ALMA-IMF Large program. I will present an overview of the ALMA-IMF Large Program which covers a total non-contiguous area of 53 square parsecs towards 15 massive nearby (2 - 5.5 kpc) protoclusters that span a range of well-defined early evolutionary stages and masses (including W51-IRS2, W43). Around 600 compact cores have been extracted from the 1.3mm dust continuum across the 15 protoclusters. Furthermore, ALMA-IMF covers a wealth of molecular lines, such as DCN (3-2), N2D+ (3-2), C18O (2-1), 13CS (5-4), and SiO (5-4). We combine here molecular line and the dust continuum data to explore both the gas and core kinematics with protocluster evolutionary stage, finding a marked difference in the chemistry with evolution.