
JOYS+: JWST Observations of Young Protostars

Ewine F. van Dishoeck, Michael E. Ressler, Thomas P. Greene, Tom P. Ray, JOYS+ Team

The JOYS+ program is a combination of four MIRI guaranteed time projects (1290, PI: van Dishoeck; 1236, PI: Ressler; 1257, PI: Ray; 1186, PI: Greene) investigating the physical and chemical properties of protostars and their immediate environment. JOYS+ studies the physical characteristics of embedded disks, accretion signatures onto the protostars, feedback from the young protostars on their environment through primordial jets and outflows, as well as the chemical gas and ice constituents of the protostellar envelopes and disks. These goals are achieved with MIRI IFU spectral imaging between 5 and 28 micron, with NIRSPEC IFU data obtained for many of the sources (also through NIRSPEC GO Cycle 1 program 1960, PI: van Dishoeck) and NIRCAM imaging for the jet source HH 211. Both high and low-mass protostars are targeted. The poster will outline the scope and goals of the projects and present early results towards a few low- and high-mass sources. Extended H2, [Fe II] and [Ne II] emission reveals different aspects of jets, outflows and their cavities, whereas the H I can be used as a measure of the accretion rate. Molecular emission (CO2, C2H2, CH4) is seen toward several sources, perhaps associated with the young disks, but water emission is surprisingly weak or absent. Deep ice features are seen toward the protostars, revealing not just the major ice components but also minor more complex species. Other posters at this meeting will highlight individual sources and/or subtopics.

[Poster PDF File]