
Polarization and Spectral Index Distributions of the Youngest Protostellar System HH 211

Youngwoo Choi, Woojin Kwon, Ian W. Stephens, John J. Tobin, Leslie W. Looney, Zhi-Yun Li, Floris F.S. van der Tak

We present ALMA band 3 and 6 polarized continuum observations toward the class 0 protostellar system HH 211. We detect polarization indicating a magnetic field along a possible streamer structure in the protostellar envelope. The spectral index between band 3 and 6 observations is small at the central 100 au region, implying grain growth in the inner part of the envelope, although it could be contaminated by free-free emission and/or anomalous microwave emission. The outer part of the envelope also has a small spectral index, which may be due to low dust temperatures. The protostellar envelope has asymmetric temperature and density distributions, which suggests that the accretion process of the HH 211 envelope does not occur uniformly but may occur asymmetrically in specific directions.