
X-ray Probes as Probes of Protostars and Planets

Scott J Wolk

Chandra and XMM and demonstrated the importance of X-rays on the formation and evolution of Protostars and Planets
NASA is currently soliciting proposals for "Astrophysics Probes" in either "far infrared imaging or spectroscopy" and "X-rays (not necessarily a complement to ESA's Athena)". In the poster I discuss the aspects of three of the X-ray probes and how they can advance our understanding of Protostars and planets. The Line Emission Mapper (LEM) is a relatively low spatial resolution high spectral resolution mission featuring a µcalorimeter and high collecting area. Arcus is a dispersive spectroscopy mission with similar spectral characteristics at low energy. Both of these missions will be able to explore the high energy spectrum incident on young disks and protoplanets and identify the driving photons behind the chemistry which drive formation, evolution and are necessary for habitability. The Advanced X-ray Imaging Satellite (AXIS), on the other hand, is a high spatial relatively low spectral resolution mission. With over 10 times the effective area of Chandra, AXIS could identify and monitor 1000's of individual stars in dense star forming regions with at 2 kpc with relatively short exposures.