
Planet formation in an evolving disk with disk winds and photoevaporation

Masahiro Ogihara, Yasunori Hori, Masanobu Kunitomo, Kenji Kurosaki, Eiichiro Kokubo, Takeru K. Suzuki, Alessandro Morbidelli

Models of protoplanetary disks have advanced considerably over the past decade. In particular, disk evolution models that take into account disk winds and photoevaporation have been proposed. In this study, we investigate how planet formation is modified by disk evolution models that consider disk winds and photoevaporation using <i>N</i>-body simulations that include various planet formation processes. First, we study the formation of super-Earths in close-in orbits. The direction and speed of type I migration can be strongly altered in disks in which the surface density slope of gas is modified by disk winds. If orbital migration is greatly suppressed, many planetary embryos remain outside the inner disk edge before the disk dissipates, with many of them captured in mean-motion resonances. In such an orbital configuration, orbital instability likely occurs during disk dissipation, and the resulting super-Earth orbits are out of resonances. In addition, the disk dissipates rapidly during the disk dissipation phase due to photoevaporation. In such a disk, super-Earths can avoid accreting large amounts of atmosphere from the disk gas. Super-Earth systems that formed as a result of our <i>N</i>-body simulations are consistent with some features of observed super-Earths. Moreover, rapidly dissipating disks under the influence of photoevaporation are also useful to explain the formation of hot and warm Jupiters with large metal-mass fractions. In addition, disks in which type I migration is suppressed by disk winds may also be suitable to explain the radially concentrated orbits of the solar system’s terrestrial planets.

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