PP7 books, poster files, videos, and photos

Dear participants of Protostars and Planets VII,

[PP7 Book Shipping]
We are very sorry for taking so much time to deliver the PP7 book to you, but now we are happy to tell you that it has been shipped to you. If you do not receive it by Christmas, let us know.
For those who have not participated in the PP7 meeting, the book will be available for purchase from Astronomical Society of the Pacific soon.
The electronic version is already available on the ASP book website. You may have access through your institute. You will also receive the access code for an individual soon.

[Collecting Poster Files and Closure of Mattermost]
We are going to close PP7 Mattermost soon and make the presentations publicly available. Those who would like to make your poster available on the PP7 web site, please upload your presentation file in PDF using the Google Form below by the end of the year. We will upload collected files on the PP7 website. Note that the files on Mattermost are kept closed for internal record among organizers. You may modify the presentation file from the original version to include new references, remove embargo contents, etc.

We have uploaded recordings of the PP7 talks (except the JWST special talks) on YouTube. Currently they are released to the participants only through this link, but we will make them public at the end of the year.


[Conference Photos]
Many photos taken at the PP7 meeting can be seen at the following website. Please keep this link only to the participants. If there is any concern about the photos, please let us know so that we can remove them from the album.


Thank you very much again for your participation to PP7.

Best wishes,
Shu-ichiro Inutsuka, on behalf of the PP7 Organizers