Reminder of PP7 Poster Abstract Deadline (February 15) and Childcare Pre-announcement

Dear Participants of Protostars and Planets VII,

The deadline (February 15) for the application to poster presentation at Protostars and Planets VII (PP7) is approaching. It is also the deadline for early bird payment. Please visit the following website if you have not yet finished them.


Please note that you can submit the poster abstract by February 15 without payment and you can pay the *regular* registration fee later by April 5.

We will also provide childcare services at PPVII meeting.
The fee for childcare per day per family is:
   AM (9:00-13:00)  JPY 5000
   PM (13:00-18:00)  JPY 6000
   All Day (9:00-18:00)  JPY 10,000
The childcare staff can speak English. We are preparing the form for reservations so please wait for further announcement.

Best wishes,
Shu-ichiro Inutsuka, on behalf of PP7 organizers